геодезия, 3D наземно лазерно сканиране, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo и BeiDou - GNSS, геодезически измервания, кадастър, регулация, трасиране


Own geodetic software applications

Names /in alphabetical order/ and short description of the applications:

1. ConvertTrimble – for conversion and control of the data from total station Trimble. Preparation of the data from geodetic measurements for parametric adjustment.

2. FRZ_directly – for conversion of the data for total station Trimble, for code GPS receiver.

3. Geomap - Preparation of data for visualization of point objects on the World map using geodetic geographical coordinates. Extraction of the necessary information from the World map for creation of itinerary for navigation using GPS receiver.

4. GEOProfileXYH - ver. 1.1/5-th of January 2009 - for preparation of data for creation of profiles of the terrain. The application is developed in the following way:

4.1. Reading of: N X Y H from *.txt file of the coordinates of the detailed points from the geodetic survey;

4.2. Designation the numbers of start and end points from a given profile of the terrain. Either reading the points which are involved in the profile from *.txt file.

4.3. Based on the information from points 3.1 and 3.2 the application determines the minimum and maximum values of H. The numbers of the points, where the extreme values exist are shown in the text fields.

4.4. The application calculates a reference value, which will be used for reduction of all the heights for better visualization of the profile.

4.5. The reference value must be confirmed /changed/ by the user and it should be smaller than Hmin.

4.6. The application determines the necessary dimensions-Height and Width for plot of the drawing.

4.7. Creation of *.scr file for Autocad - for drawing of the profile and labelling of the number of the points, dimensioning of the distances between the points.

4.8. The heights of the labels "number point" and "distance" can be changed in the relevant text field.

4.9. It can be checked whether a given scale will be appropriate for the drawing.

Changes in version 1.1

1) A possibility for reading from file of random points from a given profile is created. The file must be with structure (N X Y H), space delimited.

2) The algorithm creates *.scr file, which contains information about the profile.

3) The interface is developed as to make possible reading of:

- consecutive points from a profile (the user must indiсate the start and end points)

- random points from a profile.

5. GNSSTransformations – for conversion of the results from GPS and GLONASS geodetic measurements. Extraction and preparation for printing of the results. Creation of the necessary coordinate registers. The application is tested in Virtual machine with host OS Linux Ubuntu.

6. Heights-Network –for parametric adjustment of trigonometric levelling.

7. PhDPolarSurvey – for parametric adjustment of geodetic network in plane and calculation of polar survey measurements.

Brief description /abilities/ of the application for parametric adjustment of geodetic networks and calculation of polar geodetic survey.

The algorithm is designed as to perform adjustment in one of the following ways:

1. Using of minimum two datum points /with known azimuth angle/.

2. Using of two datum points, but without known azimuth angle.

3. No datum points known. Measured coordinates are involved.

4. Using of two datum points and added measured coordinates.

5. Using of two datum points and involving of correlated coordinates, derived from preceding adjustment.

Visualization in real time of the current number of new determined points.

Calculation of the values of:

Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) for unit weight;

RMSE for each new determined point;

Mean arithmetic error for the whole network;

Mean square error for the whole network;

The residuals to the measured quantities;

Elements of the Normal equation system;

Elements of the Q matrix;

-M number;

-N number;

-Tod’s number;

-Condition number of the Normal system;

-Density of the Normal system as ratio of the non-zero elements to the total number of elements - so called coefficient of sparsity of the matrix;

-Density of the Normal system as ratio of the zero elements to the total number of elements;

-Calculation of the accuracy in the mutual position between two new determined points.

Determination of the parameters of ellipse of errors in the mutual position between two new determined points;

The results of the calculations are used for determination of the semiaxes of the hyperellipsoid of errors for the geodetic network.

8. Price - for calculation of the price of the geodetic activities, according to the minimal prices in the Investment design.

9. SimulateMeas – for simulation of classical geodetic measurements.

10. SortingS – for calculation and sorting of the eigenvalues and the semiaxis of the hyperellipsoid of the normal system of the geodetic network.

11. Stake-out – for calculation of stake out data.

12. ThreeD – for calculation of spatial coordinates of facades of buildings.

13. Total-convertTS -ver. 1.11/1-th of September 2010 - for conversion of the data to/from total station Sokkia:

13.1. Conversion of the file from the total station (*.sdr) into file with structure:

NS Ih N Th Hz Z SD


N Th Hz Z SD

13.2. Formatting of text file with structure: N X Y into *.sdr format for upload in the total station.

13.3. Performed checks of the geodetic measurements. If the discrepancies in the values between the measurements in the first and second position of the instrument are found to be larger than the pre-defined limit, they are printed on the screen. Both distance and angular measurements are controlled, according to the pre-defined limit.

13.4. Measured coordinates with the total station, after printing on the screen can be copied or saved in file.

13.5. If points (N, E) input by the keyboard of the instrument exist, they will be printed on the screen.

13.6. The number of: detailed points, points with measured coordinates, points manually input from the keyboard of the instrument, are printed on screen of the application.

For detailed point is treated point with number smaller than 10000.

13.7. If points with coordinates smaller than the reference point are found, message is shown.

13.8. When exporting *.txt- to *.sdr of coordinates smaller than the existing reference point, its values are added to the coordinates.

13.9. If data exists in (N X Y) in tabular format in Excel, the points can be copied using Clipboard and directly input in the application for export in *.sdr.

Updates in version 1.7:

1) A possibility is created for save in *.txt of (N x y), which are read (copied) from Excel.

2) A possibility is created for save in (N x y h) from Excel into file with extension *.kpt and structure:


N x y h


N x y h

The conversion is done when the necessary information is marked and copied in Excel environment.

3) It is possible to save information (N x y h) from Excel into text file (*.txt) with structure:

N x y h


N x y h

The conversion is performed in a similar way as the explained in point 2 way.

Updates in version 1.8:

Created possibility for export of the data from Excel in *.kpt and *.txt with and without adding of reference point.

By default the reference point is added.

Updates in version 1.9:

Created are additional possibilities for save of the coordinates.

The interface of the application is changed.

Update in version 1.10:

A check for existing points with same numbers is added when reading data from Excel and *.txt file.

Updates in version 1.11:

A change in the interface of the application is done. A possibility for choosing from various reference values for X and Y is created. In order to perform conversions values for X Reference and Y Reference must be chosen, or the last should be input manually.

14. Vienna_fuzzy – for assessment of the overall quality of geodetic measurements, determinations and networks using methods of Fuzzy Logic.

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